Mario obtained a BSc in physics and MSc in theoretical and model physics at “Universita’ degli Studi di Padova” in 2013 and 2015 respectively. He joined the Computational Spintronics Group in October 2015 as a PhD student. His research involves the study of spin polarised currents in nanomaterials, with a particular attention to ferromagnet/insulator/ferromagnet structures, using the SMEAGOL code for non-equilibrium quantum transport. Mario also employs and develops software to calculate from first principles atom-resolved properties of magnets. This work is combined with atomistic spin dynamics simulations to model the operation of new generation magnetic random access memories (MRAMs).
Mario’s other research interests also include correlation effects in solids, superconductivity and non-equilibrium open quantum systems.
Selected Publications
Publication 1
Full list of publication available here
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