A 2-year research associated position is available from September 2024 in the School of Physics and the CRANN Institute. Sponsored by Enterprise Ireland, this role will play a significant part in a commercialization project, whose final aim is the creation of a Start-up company. The project will be hosted by […]

One PhD position open in quantum transport in magnetic devices One PhDposition is available for a March 2021 entry in the School of Physics and the CRANN Institute (www.crann.tcd.ie) at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). Sponsored by Science Foundation of Ireland (SFI) this is part of the “materials for ICT” platform […]
One PhD position open in quantum transport for magnetic devices

Two postdoc positions are available from as early as February 2021 in the School of Physics and the CRANN Institute (www.crann.tcd.ie) at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). Both projects will be hosted by the Computational Spintronics Group (www.spincomp.com), headed by Prof. Sanvito, and are strongly connected to the experimental activity at CRANN and […]
2 postdoc positions open in Computational Materials Design at Trinity ...

In order to try to make the most of the Covid-19 quarantene time a new on-line seminar series titled Machine Learning for Science, ML4Science, has been established. The series will host seminars from speakers from all over the world, discussing current topics in machine learning applied to the physical/chemical science. […]
ML4Science Seminar Series

The Springer Handbook on Materials Modeling is now out. This is a very ambitious editorial project, looking at all aspects of materials modeling. The book is structured over two main blocks, one dedicated to formal theory development and the other to applications. Prof. Sanvito has edited two volumes of the […]
New Handbook on Materials Modeling is now out

On February the 15th, 2018 Italian President, Sergio Mattarella, visited Ireland as part of a number of state visits around the European capitals. During the visit he met the Italian community in Ireland at the Italian Ambassador residence in Lucan house. Prof. Sanvito was one of the guests at the […]