Nina obtained her Bachelor of Science in Physics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2016. She then pursued and graduated from a Master of Science in Materials Science from the same university in 2018.

Nina is currently a PhD student at the School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin. She is studying how strain can be used to manipulate the electromechanical properties of 2D materials using a combination of density functional theory, tight-binding methods and the Dirac model. The interplay of mechanical and electronic properties plays a key role for applications in flexible electronics, strain sensors and piezoelectric devices. In her project she will address both naturally arising strains, such as lattice mismatch at the interfaces, as well as deliberately engineered strains with the use of AFM nano- indentation. Her final goal is to exploit mechanical strain to tune the electronic performance of 2Dmaterials and to ultimately achieve high‐performance 2D‐material‐based devices.