Rajarshi Tiwari did is BSc from University of Allahabad, India in Physics and Mathematics in 2005. He then joined the Integrated PhD (MSc+PhD) program at Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad, India. He finished his MSc in Physics from HRI in 2008, and his PhD in physics in 2013 with his thesis on “The Effect of Geometric Frustration on Some Correlated Electron Systems”. After PhD, he joined Prof. Stefano Sanvito’s research group at Trinity College, Dublin in 2013.

Rajarshi is a Research Fellow at the School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, where his research interests range over computational materials science, and condensed-matter physics. He specialises in physics of strongely correlated electrons, such as Mott transition, magnetism of itinerant electrons, electron phonon interactions. His interests are geared towards solving appropriate models of many-body interaction, such as Hubbard model, Double exchange model, Holstein model, Heisenberg model through real space based techniques like Monte-Carlo methods and Exact-Diagonalization. More recently, he has been interested in (i) exploring methods for structure property relations of materials with use of High-Throughput {\it ab initio} and dataminig approach, (ii) application of artificial intelligence in solving models of many-body physics and in learning structure-propery relation of materials.
Selected Publications
- Orbital Mott transition in two dimensional Pyrochlore lattice, A Saket, R Tiwari, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (25), 255601 (2020)
- Machine learning density functional theory for the Hubbard model, J Nelson, R Tiwari, S Sanvito, Physical Review B 99 (7), 075132 (2019)
- Cr doping induced negative transverse magnetoresistance in thin films, Y Liu, R Tiwari, A Narayan, Z Jin, X Yuan, C Zhang, F Chen, L Li, Z Xia, S Sanvito, P Zhou, F Xiu, Phys. Rev. B 97 (8), 085303 (2018)
- Mott-Hubbard transition and spin-liquid state on the pyrochlore lattice, N Swain, R Tiwari, P Majumdar, Phys Rev B 94 (15), 155119 (2016)
- Spectroscopic signatures of the Mott transition on the anisotropic triangular lattice, R Tiwari, P Majumdar, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 108 (2), 27007 (2014).
Full list of publication available here